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About the Book

Know Your Curls- Inside Out” is a complete guide on curly hair for everyone- children, men, and women. It is a valuable resource for taking excellent care of all types of curly hair. This is a comprehensive read to help people understand curls, specific plant-based nutrition, and ways to manage and style them.

We aim to help you embrace your unique look and fall in love with your locks like never before. We have written and compiled this book after years of intensive research.

What to Expect?

The book is divided into multiple chapters that will provide you with crucial information and insights such as:

Section 1 –Inside the Curly Hair-Know Your Curl Type

Section 2 –Taking Care of Your Curls

Section 3 – Curls and The Girls – How to Flaunt Your Curls

Section 4 – Curly Guys – How to Manage and Style Your Curls

Section 4 –The Younger Curls – Taking Care of Your Kid’s Curls

Section 5 – You Are What You Eat – Nutrition for Your Curls

About the Author

Hi, we are PLABCurlove, the author of the book “Know Your Curls- Inside Out.” Like every other curly head, we are a team of people born with natural curls. As kids, we were never fond of our curls. It was because curls are high maintenance, and society believes that straight hair is more beautiful.

However, today, we are not just happy with our curly locks but absolutely in love with them. Our perception of locks changed as soon as we embraced what nature gifted us and stopped defying them. Instead, we decided to unravel the secrets to keeping our curls shiny and gorgeous.

Our newly-developed curiosity helped us learn more about hair care, nutrition, styling, and everything in between. After benefitting greatly from this knowledge over the years, we are now ready to share it with all of you.

Read our book to learn the inside-out approach to growing gorgeous and healthy curly hair. It’s got all the secrets and detailed information on looking your best with those fabulous curls nature has gifted you.

Book Reviews

Blog Posts

Read our blogs to get all the information you need to manage and maintain lustrous and healthy curls!

The Benefits of T-Shirt or Microfiber Towel for Curly Hair

7 Best Tips: Caring for Vibrantly Color Treated Curls

8 Must-Know Detangling Tips for Curly Men

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